What is the difference between EFT Tapping and Matrix ReImprinting?


EFT Tapping

The Emotional Freedom Technique, aka EFT or Tapping, has been around for decades, is a safe, quick, and extremely effective modality to relieve trauma of many sorts, including PTSD.

EFT combines the techniques of cognitive behavioral therapy with the stimulation of the acupressure points and energy meridians to directly affect the part of your brain called the amygdala, where the subconscious of the brain resides.

This process creates new neural pathways in the brain, go-around tracks of thought, so that you can easily let go of whatever is in your way. Unlocking your potential is easier that you think.


Matrix ReImprinting

When we experience a trauma, even if it’s fairly minor, a part of us splits off and the event is essentially encapsulated with everything that was seen, smelled, heard, and felt at the time of the event.  The encapsulation is a natural way to protect the mind, so that you never fully experience the trauma—it’s held separate from your physical body, so that you are able to function.  But the trauma is unresolved and it plays in the background of the brain. And because each thought and action is filtered through the subconscious, the held traumas truly inform and affect your perspective, even though you may not consciously remember the event. I liken it to having smudgy glasses on, which definitely affects your view, but they’ve been there so long that you don’t even know they are there.