Working with Marjorie has kept me on top of things and moving forward. I no longer have to keep everything in my head, which was way too overwhelming. Marjorie helped me renegotiate my work schedule, saving me 20 hours of travel time a month. – T Tower


When we started our session, I felt really heavy hearted and sad with grief about cutting the ties with my former partner. I became aware of what was causing the sadness, and the deep seated old patterns. I saw how they were holding me back from being all of who I am. I now feel more expansive, with space to allow myself to have a new relationship like I really want. I now feel those possibilities in my heart and embody them more, knowing that I deserve it. I am grateful for new perspectives on relationships thanks to tapping with Marjorie. – Carol L.


Thank you so much. I got a lot out of the session – way more than I had ever expected. I posted a discussion topic on the online education site I work at – something I had been putting off for months and I sent a newsletter out to all my subscribers – overdue from around December last year. This was a huge result for me and not something that would have happened if I hadn’t seen you! – Helen B.


When I wake up at 3am to that inner critic shouting, “How could you have said that?” I have tried to calm it, contradict it, ignore it and reason with it. But tapping is the only thing that actually quiets it down so I can get back to sleep. Thank you Marjorie, it makes all the difference.  – Anne, Santa Rosa


When I started working with Marjorie, I was filled with shame and low self esteem. When we did tapping, I honestly could not say “I deeply love and accept myself”. A lot of trauma was released, and I feel so good about me now. EFT Matrix work is so solution oriented! – Jeannine


I have done therapy and other alternative healing modalities for years, but I couldn’t completely forgive my father. In the Matrix, I was able to learn why he abused me and connected to his young frightened self. Marjorie led me through a generational healing, which was so powerful. I have finally forgiven him and feel free for the very first time. – Cathy


”It is so satisfying to talk to Marjorie about my ADD, because she really gets it. I’ve never had that before and it’s helping me understand my creative brain much better. I even have new tools to get things done!” – Patrice


I am so glad to have found Marjorie and these tools. I’d struggled for 60+ years and thought I was broken. Now I understand that my ADD brain is just hardwired differently. I finally found my tribe and am like a sponge soaking up all the tools and support. – Lolaine


The coaching session was fantastic. You have created a very safe place to come together and heal. I will continue to use the very practical tool of PACE to help with overwhelm and grief. I will recommend this to people I know who find themselves at a loss. – Tim


I liked the opening meditations and the centering practice. It was helpful to have an overview of the grief process hear comments and compassionate sharing from the coach. I loved the collage process of creating the vision board, for my husband who has passed and for me in moving forward. – Janet


In the grief groups I entered this group really confused but now I feel like I have found answers. Emotionally I have found some peace around my father’s death and the upheaval it caused in my life. Marjorie is so kind and compassionate and hold a very soft space for us to open up. – Misty


The group worked very well for me and I liked that Marjorie had a very similar experience and felt incredible compassion. I learned something valuable from each of the participants. Books, suggestions, handouts and resources were appreciated. It was excellent, thank you! – Joanne


This class created a safe place to explore and express my grief in reflected stories, collage, and meditative exercises.   By meeting my grief with support, I could grow through it and not stay stuck in a valley or live in denial. By sharing my story of mom’s life and death, I could value my journey and lessons . . . like a ripple going out into the world after a long isolated time in the mine. – Meg


The coaching session was supportive and enlightening. It helped me accept truth so that now I can ask for help, and receive it. I am building new relationships with my deceased husband’s children. Anita


Coaching sessions with Marjorie stretched me to consider what I really want to do in life, instead of being stuck in a dead-end job. I am back in college and am being mentored to write grants for the nonprofit that I am helping to create for the deaf community. I love knowing that I will make a difference! – Joanne


“Marjorie took me to the place I needed to go, and I’m feeling much relieved.” Katie


When I started working with Marjorie, I was despondent over the end of my alcoholic marriage and sure that life was over. She helped me clear up the confusion that my dyslexia was causing and I entered AlAnon. I took steps to create the life I really wanted, went back to college for my masters, and am now a published author. I am alive and much happier because of the work I did with Marjorie. – Lin Marie


Over the past two years, Marjorie Favuzzi has helped me identify and work with my A.D.D., transforming it from a disability into a gift by using targeted life management tools and techniques. I learned how to set value-based boundaries, transitioning from a 70 hour work week to a more sane 40 hour schedule, allowing me to balance family life with educational and personal career goals.   I went back to college, earned my Green Building Certificate from SSU, and am starting my own business in 2011. I am really grateful to Marjorie and would recommend her to anyone seeking A.D.D., life, or business coaching. – Jeff


I found the ADD Solutions for Success workshop to be helpful in that a person with ADD can always incorporate new tools and tricks to stay focused and succeed in a world where we are fed what normal looks like and what the rewards are for the normal folks. I feel that I don’t have to start all over for my own progress, yet I see how I can supplement my skills to stay on task. Thanks. – Michael



The ADD Solutions for Success workshop experience as good. I’m very interested in PACE. This is something we will pursue. The tools and techniques were all useful and will be posted in my household. I’m sure as I digest the handout, many benefits will emerge later and I love the handouts. Thanks! – Jason


Truly most helpful having a resource in the community to help us. The checklists showed that we are not alone in these manifestations (good and bad) of ADHD. The handouts and crossovers were very helpful also. Thank You!! – Sheila



Testimonials for Marjorie Favuzzi at the Easing Post Election Stress Trauma workshop

The easing post election stress program experience was good. I’m very interested in the PACE brain exercises. This is something we will pursue. The tools and techniques were all useful and will be posted in my household. I’m sure as I digest the information, many benefits will emerge later and I love the handouts. Thanks! — Jason


Truly most helpful having a resource in the community to help us. The checklists showed that we are not alone in these manifestations (good and bad). The handouts and crossovers were very helpful also. Thank You!!

I am very grateful to Marjorie Favuzzi for helping me ease my stress through enlightening exercises and discussions. As a pebble dropped into a pond sends ripples to the shore, Marjorie has improved the lives of many beyond what she can imagine. I recommend her, without hesitation, to anyone seeking self-exploration and improvement. — Joanne


I think for us to put time and energy to reflect on these issues – of where we are now and have been in the past – was good. It was helpful to be with others that struggle too. Thanks again.   — Sherry


The post election trauma program was supportive and enlightening. It helped me recognize truth instead of fear. Now I can ask for help, and receive it. I am building new relationships with people I can trust to work for the change I want in this world.  — Anita


The group worked very well for me and I liked that Marjorie had a very similar experience and felt incredible compassion. I learned something valuable from each of the participants. Books, suggestions, handouts and resources were appreciated. It was excellent, thank you! — JoAnn


I was fractured after the election, and paralyzed with waves of fear. To be assured from a gentle calming place that I will get through these hard times, with the understanding I gained of how to let go of the what-ifs that held me down. I now understand how it affects all aspects of one’s being, truly a gift of blessing. — Daniel