Transforming Procrastination Into Productivity
Help, I’m Stuck!
So many things to do, so little time!
Overwhelm and procrastination stops us in our tracks, and you can’t manifest your potential unless you are motivated to take action.
When the brain is overloaded, it needs help getting started.
Motivation may not be there – until you’ve already started.
Sound counter-intuitive?
Once you begin, the executive functions of the brain get on board and move your intentions into action.
If you are overwhelmed, don’t know where to start, or feel unmotivated, read on.
Jumping in before thinking it through can contribute to failure and fear of not doing it perfectly.
Empower yourself!
Write down the end time for completing the task.
List all the steps you to take from end to beginning.
Assign a time value for each, and allow some wiggle room by adding half again as much time.
Plan to allot 30-40 minutes for a step that you think takes only 20 minutes.
Add up ALL the steps to get a more realistic idea of how long it will take.
Key Tip: plan in time for possible interferences and self care.
Beat the Clock
Use Timed Tasks to begin.
This method of Beat the Clock switches the brain from being stuck in procrastination and perfectionism to literally making a game of completing the task before the timer goes off.
Your brain likes deadlines!
- Using a timer measures your efforts. Set the timer for a manageable amount of time, say 15 to 20 minutes. Begin the task immediately after setting the timer. Key Tip: set a timer at least a few steps away from where you will be working, or even in the next room.
- When the timer goes off, get up to turn it off. Key tip: movement breaks the trance, engages your core muscles, and refreshes the brain.
- Reassess your energy to reset the timer and continue, or reward yourself by taking a break. Hyperfocusing? Take advantage of that and keep going! Schedule a time to pause and assess your needs, and then make another conscious choice. Key Tip: to avoid getting derailed from returning to the task, time the break also.
- For additional incentive and accountability, try bookending with a friend or coach. Set your timer, then text or phone your accountability partner that you are starting the task. Repeat when your timer goes off. These accountability partners provide encouragement and acknowledge your success!
- Congratulate yourself on taking the first steps toward manifesting your potential!
To customize this process for your needs, contact 707.206.1477
Copyright 2016, Marjorie Favuzzi, all rights reserved